Terminaal ileum
- Ileum - Wikipedia The terminal ileum (plural: ilea (rarely: ileums) is the most distal segment of small bowel. It immediately precedes the small bowel's connection with the colon through the .
- The Terminal Ileum: Anatomy and 3D Illustrations Terminal ileitis (TI) is an inflammatory condition of the terminal portion of the ileum described in medical literature since a long time ago. It may occur acutely with right lower quadrant pain .
- Terminal ileum | Radiology Reference Article | The terminal ileum is a key component of the digestive system, with a significant role in nutrient absorption and waste processing. Understanding its functions, common health .
- Explore the anatomy and role of the terminal ileum with Innerbody's interactive 3D model. The differential diagnosis for a terminal ileitis is quite extensive, and includes: inflammatory bowel disease. Crohn disease (most common) backwash ileitis due to ulcerative .
Normaal terminaal ileum
Neo terminaal ileum
The Terminal Ileum
The Terminal Ileum | . |
Terminal ileum | . |
Normaal terminaal ileum | . |
Neo terminaal ileum | . |