Srt synchroniseren mac

  • They can be used for synchronizing the subtitles to a movie when there is a slight offset between the two (this can be the case when the subtitles and the movie come from two different Missing: mac.
  • Temporarily fixing the subtitle sync in VLC media player is easy. You can use the G shortcut to add a 50 millisecond delay, or the H key to sync it 50 milliseconds forwards. Once you have Missing: mac.
  • Realtime preview
  • SubSync is een handig programma om de ondertitels van een film of serie gelijk te laten lopen met beeld en audio.
    Resync Subtitles No server is being used.
    This tool fixes subtitles that are out of sync with the video.
    ā€ˇSubShifter: Sync subtitles on the Mac App Store .
  • Shift video movie subs SRT
    1. SubSync: ondertitels bewerken en synchroon laten lopen Subtitles theEditor supports srt and (currently text based) sub file format. You can create subtitle files from scratch, convert sub files to srt and vise versa. You can also change the FPS .
      Sync Subtitles: fix out of sync subtitles .
      How this tool adjusts timings .
  • Waarom SubSync downloaden?
  • Screenshots
  • srt synchroniseren mac