Flare films production
Flare media
FLARE FILM GMBH | Newen takes a majority stake in production company Flare Film. |
BRISBANE Wedding videographer | We firmly believe that compelling stories can inspire people to question the world they live in and make them want to change it. |
Documentaries | Relive the most special day of your life. |
Flare productions
- Flare Film - Newen Studios The most recent productions from / are films directed by İ lker Çatak, (RÄUBERH ÄNDE, ), Anna Koch & Julia Lemke, (GLITZER & STAUB, ), Marten Persiel .
- Flare Film | Flare Film produziert Spielfilme, Dokumentarfilme und Serien Newen takes a majority stake in production company Flare Film. The Berlin-based company has successfully developed and produced cinema and documentary movies since .
- Newen acquires a majority stake in German production company Flare Film - Newen Studios Welcome to Flare Films "the true mystery of the world is the visible not the invisible" - Oscar WildeMissing: production.
- WEDDING FILMS Since Flare Film produces both documentaries and feature films for the national and international market. Our films have premiered at international film festivals, have been .